Oceans Edge Burger

🎄Have u started planning for Christmas? We have! 😉

🎄🍾Your perfect Christmas party awaits….

Turn melodies into memories at OE this summer! Don’t miss out on our free live music! Save the dates!

Trowch alawon yn atgofion yn OE gyda'r llinell haf hwn! Peidiwch â cholli allan ar ein haf o gerddoriaeth fyw am ddim! Cadw'r dyddiadau!

We are CLOSED from the 2ND MAY up to and including the 16TH MAY! See you all soon.

Rydym ar gau o yfory yr 2il o Fai hyd at a chan gynnwys y 16fed o Fai. Welwn ni chi i gyd yn fuan.

Whilst we are undertaking our exciting new extension at the restaurant, for the next couple of weeks, we will have boarding up inside to minimise the disruption to our guests. Whilst we appreciate it’s not aesthetically pleasing, it’s an unfortunate necessity 😐
We are also CLOSED from the 2ND MAY up to and including the 15TH MAY as part of the refurbishment process. We will keep you posted!🔨🛠👷